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01 October

Combining Fixed Fees and Time & Material | Bayshore’s Approach to Success with Hybrid Engagement Model

In software development, choosing the right engagement model is critical to project success. The Fixed Price and Time & Material (T&M) models each have their benefits, but they can also present limitations when applied to projects that require both predictability and adaptability. Enter the Hybrid Model: a structured yet flexible approach that combines the best of both worlds.

This blog will thoroughly explain how the Hybrid Model works, the technical nuances of managing such projects, and how Bayshore Intelligence Solutions helps clients derive the greatest value from this approach.

Why Traditional Engagement Models Fall Short

The Fixed Price model involves defining all requirements upfront, scoping the project, and determining a cost that is locked in for the entirety of the development. This is ideal for projects with clear deliverables and little expected change. However, it’s inflexible—any change requires cumbersome contract re-negotiation, which can lead to delays and higher costs.

On the other hand, the T&M model offers flexibility, especially suited for evolving projects where requirements may change based on new insights or market feedback. However, T&M has its downside: it is hard to predict the final cost, which makes budgeting challenging for businesses.

The Hybrid Model combines the Fixed Price and T&M models, delivering a more balanced approach where parts of the project are predictable and fixed, while others remain adaptable and flexible. But, how do we execute this combination in practice? Let’s dive in.

How the Hybrid Model Works in Detail

In a typical Hybrid engagement, we segment the project into fixed and flexible components. Below is an in-depth look into how this process unfolds:

Discovery and Requirement Segmentation

At Bayshore, we kickstart every hybrid engagement with a comprehensive discovery phase. During this phase, we engage deeply with our clients to understand the scope of the project. Requirements are categorized into:

  • Core Deliverables: Stable, non-changing features and functionalities that are critical to the Minimum Viable Product (MVP). These elements are clearly scoped, with a fixed timeline and cost.
  • Dynamic Components: Features that require room for iterative improvement—typically, components that rely on user feedback, market insights, or integration with external services.
  • Core Deliverables: User registration, product catalog, core checkout flow, payment gateway integration.
  • Dynamic Components: Customer reviews, recommendation engine, third-party integrations (e.g., with logistics partners), and UX improvements based on A/B testing.

Technical Implementation Planning

Once requirements are segmented, Bayshore prepares a two-track development plan:

Track 1: Fixed Price Development

For core features, the project undergoes traditional waterfall planning with well-defined timelines, responsibilities, and resource allocation. This component is developed in a linear manner to ensure delivery within set deadlines.

Example: Payment Gateway Integration

  • Fixed Scope: We define exactly which payment gateways to integrate (e.g., Stripe, PayPal), which currencies will be supported, and the expected level of encryption.
  • Development: A dedicated team is assigned to work on these features using detailed project requirements documents (PRDs). The goal is to complete these features on time, with testing and QA processes clearly defined.

Track 2: Time & Material Development

For dynamic components, we take an Agile approach with sprint-based iterations. A Scrum board is set up where requirements are refined on a rolling basis based on feedback, discoveries, and evolving business requirements.

Example: Recommendation Engine

  • Iterative Development: Initially, the recommendation engine may use a basic rule-based approach. As more data becomes available, we evolve it into a machine-learning-based system.
  • Sprint Planning: Each sprint focuses on extending capabilities, testing different recommendation algorithms (e.g., collaborative filtering vs. content-based filtering), and observing how users respond.

Technical Execution of Hybrid Projects

For hybrid projects, technical execution must be handled differently for Fixed Price and T&M components:

Development Environment and DevOps

Branching Strategy in Git

To accommodate both Fixed Price and T&M components, we use a Git branching strategy with two primary long-lived branches:

  • The "Fixed" branch contains core features that have little room for change.
  • The "Dynamic" branch is used for active, experimental features under T&M. Feature branches are spun off for specific user stories, merged back into the dynamic branch upon approval.

CI/CD Pipeline Separation

Bayshore configures separate Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipelines for Fixed Price and T&M features:

  • Fixed features are deployed with a stricter pipeline—changes undergo multiple manual reviews and are integrated only upon completion of predefined milestones.
  • T&M features leverage an automated, flexible CI/CD pipeline that allows for continuous integration, quick testing, and deployment of new iterations to a staging environment.

QA and Testing Strategies

In hybrid projects, the testing requirements differ between Fixed and T&M components:

Fixed Components

  • The testing process is comprehensive and includes unit testing, integration testing, and system testing for complete reliability. Bayshore ensures test coverage for these components is above 95%, minimizing potential changes after release.

Dynamic Components

For T&M components, we follow continuous testing practices:

  • A/B Testing for user-centric features.
  • Exploratory Testing to uncover issues that might arise from unexpected use cases.
  • Automated Regression Testing: Every time new features are added or existing features are tweaked, our automation scripts run to ensure nothing else is broken.

Change Management and Scope Flexibility

Change management is crucial to effectively operate under the Hybrid Model. At Bayshore, we use tools and techniques to ensure seamless change integration:

JIRA for Requirement Tracking

  • All requirements and user stories are managed in JIRA with appropriate tags to differentiate between Fixed and T&M elements. This helps keep the backlog organized and ensures clarity for all stakeholders.

Dynamic Scope Updates

  • In the T&M part of the project, changes are managed through a backlog grooming process. Our Scrum Masters regularly meet with clients to reprioritize features based on business needs, which ensures adaptability while controlling scope creep.

Benefits of the Hybrid Model: In-Depth Analysis

The Hybrid Model offers several tangible benefits:

Detailed Budget Control and Adaptability

For components handled under a Fixed Price, budget predictability is ensured, giving stakeholders peace of mind for core features. For evolving features, clients only pay for what is developed, gaining flexibility while avoiding large upfront commitments for areas of the product that require validation or iterative improvement.

Efficient Risk Mitigation

By segregating stable and dynamic requirements, the Hybrid Model allows us to efficiently manage risk:

  • Fixed elements are less risky as they have clearly defined requirements.
  • Dynamic components’ risks are handled using Agile, allowing real-time course corrections, reducing the chance of developing irrelevant features.

Efficient Parallel Development

The Hybrid Model also enables parallel development tracks, which means Fixed Price components can be built concurrently while T&M features evolve. Bayshore allocates specific teams to work independently on both tracks, reducing bottlenecks and improving delivery timelines.

Scalable Architecture

The Hybrid Model often involves developing a scalable architecture from the beginning. Core features, which are part of the Fixed Price model, are designed for scalability—using containerization (e.g., Docker), microservices, and robust API layers. The flexibility of T&M ensures that new features can easily integrate with the architecture, avoiding rework.

Reduced Time to Market

The ability to develop predictable features on a fixed timeline while simultaneously experimenting with evolving components helps reduce the time to market. Bayshore utilizes Kanban boards to keep track of task flow, minimizing waiting times and ensuring timely releases.

How Bayshore is Helping Clients with Hybrid Models

Bayshore’s extensive experience in managing hybrid projects has enabled us to deliver successful outcomes for diverse business needs:

Strategic Project Segmentation

We help clients define which parts of their project should be Fixed Price versus T&M. Our Business Analysts engage with clients to perform requirement workshops, ensuring everything is meticulously scoped and divided to fit the hybrid model efficiently.

Technical Expertise for Both Tracks

Bayshore brings dedicated teams that specialize in each development model:

  • Our Fixed Price Teams focus on delivering high-quality, fully tested, and well-documented features with clear timelines.
  • Our T&M Agile Teams thrive on iteration and flexibility, focusing on adaptive work with bi-weekly sprint cycles, prototyping, and regular feedback sessions.

Integrated Communication Channels

Keeping clients informed throughout the hybrid development process is crucial. Bayshore uses integrated communication channels, including Slack, MS Teams, and dedicated client dashboards, to provide:

  • Daily stand-up summaries.
  • Bi-weekly sprint reviews for T&M components.
  • Milestone updates for Fixed Price components.

Technology Stack Adaptability

Bayshore leverages an adaptable tech stack to cater to both development tracks:

  • Fixed Price Components: Utilize more structured technologies with a focus on stability and robustness. Technologies like Node.js, Python for backend services, Angular or React for front-end components, and relational databases such as PostgreSQL or MySQL are frequently used to ensure predictability and ease of maintenance.
  • T&M Components: Use tools and technologies that promote rapid iteration and scalability, such as Node.js, Python (Django/Flask), MongoDB for non-relational storage, and React Native for mobile development. The idea is to leverage frameworks that support quick prototyping and easy modifications.

By adopting this combination, Bayshore ensures that each part of the project gets the most suitable technological treatment, providing efficiency, performance, and the ability to handle changes.

Data-Driven Decision-Making for Dynamic Features

  1. For features handled under the T&M model, Bayshore makes extensive use of data analytics to guide decision-making. Key practices include:
  • User Behavior Analytics: Analyzing how users interact with dynamic features like recommendation systems or new UI elements. This data is collected and visualized using tools such as Google Analytics, Hotjar, and Mixpanel.
  • AI-Powered Insights: Leveraging AI/ML models to analyze trends and predict outcomes. For example, if a dynamic component is related to product recommendations, we may use collaborative filtering models to refine how those recommendations evolve with changing user preferences.
  • A/B Testing Automation: Implementing A/B testing tools like Optimizely or Split.io for testing different versions of features, which helps identify the best experience for users.

Challenges in the Hybrid Model and How Bayshore Addresses Them

While the Hybrid Model offers numerous benefits, it also introduces a unique set of challenges. Bayshore has devised strategies to overcome these challenges:

Maintaining Cohesion Between Fixed and Flexible Components

  • Issue: Fixed Price and T&M tracks have different development velocities. This can lead to inconsistencies if not handled properly, especially if changes in the T&M components necessitate updates to core features.
  • Bayshore’s Solution: We employ contract-based architecture—using well-defined APIs between different system components, ensuring that flexible changes do not break core features. A middleware layer manages interactions between the two tracks, and API versioning ensures backward compatibility.

Efficient Stakeholder Management

  • Issue: Clients often have different expectations for how Fixed and T&M components are handled, especially in terms of communication and deliverables.
  • Bayshore’s Solution: We employ dual project managers, with one focused on managing the Fixed Price components (more traditional Gantt chart and timeline-based management) and the other focused on Agile aspects (using Scrum or Kanban). These managers synchronize frequently to ensure that there is no misalignment between the project's two tracks.

Scope Creep in T&M Features

  • Issue: The iterative nature of T&M can lead to scope creep, with features continuously evolving without a clear endpoint.
  • Bayshore’s Solution: We handle scope creep using a combination of strict backlog prioritization and cost monitoring. Regular sprint reviews and retrospective meetings with stakeholders are used to assess whether continuing with a particular feature aligns with business goals. Each T&M feature is given a value metric—a quantifiable measure of the business value it brings—and iterations are guided by whether value justifies further investment.

Balancing Technical Debt

  • Issue: While developing T&M components rapidly, there is often a risk of accruing technical debt that may affect core stability or future scalability.
  • Bayshore’s Solution: Bayshore tackles technical debt proactively by incorporating tech debt evaluation and clearance sprints into the project schedule. Tools like SonarQube are employed to assess the health of the codebase, and regular code refactoring sprints are planned to maintain high standards of quality for both fixed and flexible components.

Hybrid Model in Practice: Case Study Example

Let’s illustrate how the Hybrid Model works with a real-world case study.

Client: A startup launching a B2B marketplace platform.

Objective: Launch an MVP of the marketplace within 6 months, with fixed core features to ensure stable functioning and flexible, evolving features based on initial customer feedback.

Project Segmentation:

Fixed Price Components:

  • User Authentication: A core user registration and login module with strict data security measures, implemented using OAuth2 and JWT tokens.
  • Marketplace Listing: A robust listing mechanism for products, including categories, search, and filters.
  • Payment Integration: Initial payment processing through Stripe, implemented as a fixed feature to ensure stable transactions.

T&M Components:

  • Buyer-Seller Messaging: A dynamic messaging feature between buyers and sellers, initially using a simple chat interface but later evolved with real-time WebSockets support and a chatbot for automated responses.
  • Personalized Suggestions: Recommender system developed incrementally, evolving from basic logic to an ML-driven algorithm based on user behaviors.


  • During the discovery phase, Bayshore split the requirements into core and dynamic components, assigning dedicated resources for each.
  • Fixed features were completed within three months, while the messaging and recommender system evolved continuously with multiple sprint iterations.
  • A/B testing was performed on the recommender system’s first version to determine the impact on user engagement.
  • During the T&M iterations, we identified opportunities to enhance the marketplace with additional filters and personalized notifications, based on user feedback metrics.

Result: The client was able to launch a stable MVP within the target timeline. The fixed features ensured reliability, while the T&M features were adjusted as feedback poured in, enhancing user engagement metrics by 35% post-launch. By efficiently separating the components, Bayshore helped the client keep initial development costs under control while allowing room for rapid innovation.

Summary: The Hybrid Model as a Client-Centric Approach

The Hybrid Model’s balanced approach helps clients benefit from budget certainty and flexibility, providing the best possible outcome for both predictable and evolving requirements. Bayshore leverages this model to:

  1. Provide Accurate Cost Estimations for Stable Features: Fixed Price components are handled with a focus on budget adherence and timeline predictability.
  2. Support Agility in Feature Evolution: T&M components are continuously improved, taking advantage of market trends, user feedback, and emergent technology.
  3. Integrate Innovative Project Management Techniques: A combination of dual project managers, agile ceremonies, and tooling like JIRA, Slack, and CI/CD helps maintain the integrity and velocity of both project tracks.
  4. Ensure High Technical Quality: Bayshore focuses on maintaining quality through comprehensive testing strategies, architectural best practices, and active technical debt management.

The Hybrid Model helps address the inherent unpredictability of software development while keeping a firm handle on the core project scope and cost. Bayshore’s technical and management capabilities help make this complex dance between stability and flexibility seamless, delivering the highest value to clients in a cost-effective and strategically sound manner.



The Hybrid Model of combining Fixed Price and Time & Material approaches offers a nuanced solution to modern software development's complex demands. By leveraging the benefits of both models, this approach allows businesses to maintain control over budgets and timelines for essential, non-negotiable features while embracing agility and adaptability for components that require iterative development.

Bayshore’s expertise lies in making the most of this Hybrid Model by integrating rigorous project segmentation, precise budget controls, dual project management strategies, and advanced technical tooling. This combination ensures that clients can achieve cost-effective stability for their core requirements while embracing change and innovation in other areas, adapting their products to meet evolving user needs and market trends.

The unique balance of certainty and flexibility that the Hybrid Model offers makes it particularly valuable for startups and businesses navigating dynamic environments. Bayshore works to not only deliver a functional and reliable product but also to create an ecosystem that evolves—ultimately leading to a solution that is well-crafted, adaptable, and capable of delivering continued value.

Whether it’s ensuring technical cohesion across Fixed and T&M tracks, managing stakeholder expectations, or navigating the challenges of scope creep and technical debt, Bayshore employs a proven, strategic approach that focuses on optimizing outcomes and delivering meaningful business value. The Hybrid Model, when executed correctly, is a powerful tool to achieve innovative, sustainable growth in software products, enabling clients to confidently move forward in an ever-changing digital landscape.